Coffee ìn a humid Thursday night.

It is always been a relief when I finished my work early and go home excitedly especially on Thursdays as of today.

Alone, when I arrived in my small room I felt a bit different. Lonely? Ahh, I just need to stir some of friends to get rid of this feeling. Isn’t it the routine of some expats? But it has been few months that our pockets are empty most of the time. Salaries are delayed just like now, I am still waiting for my salary that supposed to be released on the 1st day of the month. For this reason, I was thinking if shall I stay inside my room or go for coffee outside.

I decided to call some of my friends and few answered positively. We should choose the cheapest coffee shop in Doha, shouldn’t we? We settled in a crowded one. No space inside the cafe so we have to sit outside in this humid night! Well, not only us who were sitting there. I could see them enjoying their drinks anyway.

I have enjoyed the company and the time I spent with my friends,regardless of the humidity! It’s the moments being with the people you like that matters and the coffee becomes perfect in a humid night.

2018-06-07 23.02.23

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